
Public Relations

African Student Association

African students Association purpose is to Enlighten the political, social and cultural history of Africa. To Create a culturally enlightened community on campus by educating the students about Africa. To promote cultural awareness about African cultures and to serve our college community.

Vice President

Peer Educators

Peer Educators grants students the opportunity to gain first-hand experience working in the helping field with an emphasis on valuing and respecting diversity among individuals. Peer educators are also given training in general counseling skills and ethical issues that are used in their interactions with student groups. Their work is supervised by the student development specialist and graduate interns of the Mental Health Counseling Program. The Peer Educator club was created with the mission of educating and promoting campus awareness related to substance abused, domestic violence, conflict resolution, anger management and to help the peer educators develop their leadership and event planning skills. Volunteer students are trained to sponsor educational programs such as drug and alcohol awareness, personal safety and relationships among other events. Peer Educators aim to achieve the goal of promoting positive life changes among SUNY Old Westbury Students.

Vice President

Gifted Souls

Gifted Souls is a Performing Arts program, in its third year of partnership with the First Year Experience at SUNY Old Westbury. The purpose of Gifted Souls Theater is to help students express themselves through performing arts while gaining self confidence, stage presence and giving back to the community. Gifted Souls focuses on the growth and progression of its participants in every field of the arts such as acting, singing, dancing, etc, while building leadership skills and competitive resumes. Using our Motto: Get it, Got it? Do it!