

Play It Forward Project [TPIFP]

The Play It Forward Project (TPIFP) is a nonprofit organization under 501(c)(3) whose objective is to bring awareness, education, and advocacy to the different areas of board certified music therapy. As advocates of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), TPIFP has access to many resources to effectively educate individuals about music therapy. Our main goal is to help bring a music therapy program to Stony Brook University by bringing in licensed music therapists to present and educate Stony Brook Students & Faculty. These efforts hope to encourage the development of a music therapy program here at SBU. Music therapy connects music and neuroscience and thus can help bridge the College of Arts and Sciences to transition SBU from STEM to STEAM. This goal encourages its members to gain skills in public speaking, grant writing, web design, and social media.